v0.8.48 Armory Agent Clouddriver Plugin (2022-02-17)

New features

Agent HTTP communication

Agent no longer requires Redis. Communication between Clouddrivers can now be done direct HTTP requests instead of Redis pubsub. The plugin watches changes to the Kubernetes kind Endpoint where Clouddriver pods run to learn the IP address of each Clouddriver replica. This method of communication is more reliable than Redis pubsub. This change is optional.

To use this change, make sure the following requirements are met:

  • Clouddriver pods need to mount a service account with permissions to list and watch the Kubernetes kind Endpoint in their current namespace.
  • The Clouddriver service name that exposes the REST API on port 7002 must be http.

To configure this change, update your clouddriver.yml file with the following changes:

  cluster: kubernetes
  enabled: false

You should only set redis.enabled to false if no other processes use Redis, such as the Caching Agent Scheduler or the Task Repository.

There are additional optional configuration available. Most Agent Plugin instances work without setting the following options:

    kubeconfigFile: path/to/kubeconfig # (Default: null) Agent Plugin uses this kubeconfgFile to communicate with the Armory CD  cluster instead of the service account mounted in the Clouddriver pod.
    verifySsl: <true|false> # (Default: true) Verify kubernetes API server certificate.
    namespace: <namespace> #(Default: null) Agent Plugin watches endpoints on this namespace instead of the autodetected namespace where Clouddriver runs.
    httpPortName: <portName> # (Default: http) Name of the port in the clouddriver Kubernetes Service selector for port 7002.
    clouddriverServiceNamePrefix: <clouddriverPrefix> # (Default: spin-clouddriver) Prefix of the Kubernetes Service name that routes traffic to Clouddriver http pods at port 7002.

Clouddriver pod REST endpoint

Requires setting kubesvc.cluster to kubernetes as described in Agent HTTP communication.

A new REST endpoint is available for Clouddriver, which lists all the discovered Clouddriver pods, their IP addresses and status (ready/not ready):

GET /armory/clouddrivers
    baseUrl: "",
    id: "spin-clouddriver-5d9c78474b-s25sl",
    lastUpdated: "2022-02-16T22:42:14.855Z",
    ready: true

Known Issues

  • The plugin makes a request to fiat /sync/roles endpoint every time an agent connects or accounts are deleted. This can become an issue when having a large number of agents connected to a clouddriver pod that is restarted.

Last modified March 3, 2023: (2d069084)