v1.8.0 Armory Operator

Release notes for Armory Operator v1.8.0

2022-12-19 Release Notes

Upgrade the Operator using kubectl replace. See Upgrade the Operator for details.


Armory scans the codebase as we develop and release software. For information about CVE scans for this release, contact your Armory account representative.

Known issues

Internal error: failed calling webhook when deploying Armory Continuous Deployment after upgrading the Armory Operator

After running the following command: kubectl -n armory apply -k overlays/dev/, admins see the following exception:

Error from server (InternalError): error when creating "overlays/dev/": Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "webhook-spinnakerservices-v1alpha2.spinnaker.armory.io": Post "https://spinnaker-operator.armory.svc:443/validate-spinnaker-armory-io-v1alpha2-spinnakerservice?timeout=10s": context deadline exceeded

Or an exception like this:

Error from server (InternalError): error when creating "STDIN": Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "webhook-spinnakerservices-v1alpha2.spinnaker.armory.io": Post "https://spinnaker-operator.armory-operator.svc:443/validate-spinnaker-armory-io-v1alpha2-spinnakerservice?timeout=10s": no endpoints available for service "spinnaker-operator"

To resolve this issue, customers should refer to KB article KB0010638.

Affected versions: 1.7.3+

Highlighted updates

  • Config Maps as a data source

    kind: ConfigMap
      name: halyard-config-map
      config: |
         configSourceType: secret # or configMap
  • Support for using a different Regex engine when structuring ignore patterns – enabling this feature flag allows for negative lookahead

              enabled: true
              dinghyIgnoreRegexp2Enabled: true

    See Negative expressions support in your dinghyfile for more information.

Armory Operator

  • chore(secrets): Add SecretOrConfigMapData type
  • feat(secrets): Add the secrets extracting from ConfigMap
  • chore(halyard): bump Halyard, add dinghyIgnoreRegexp2Enabled feature

Last modified May 26, 2023: (a7d5a9eb)