GitHub Integration Plugin for Spinnaker Overview

Learn about GitHub Integration Plugin features, how the plugin works, different installation paths, and the plugin’s compatibility with Armory Continuous Deployment and Spinnaker versions.

Proprietary Beta

GitHub Integration Plugin features

The GitHub Integration Plugin provides the following GitHub integration features:

The GitHub Integration plugin uses GitHub Apps to integrate with GitHub. GitHup Apps provide webhooks and narrow, specific permissions. You can install a GitHub App that gives the GitHub Integration plugin access to all the repos in your GitHub organization, or you can install a Github App that gives the GitHub Integration plugin access to specific repos. You can install as many GitHub Apps as your use case requires.

How the plugin works with GitHub

graph TD
	Orca -->|Workflow Trigger| Igor
	Gate --> |Trigger based on Deployment event|Echo
	Igor -->|Trigger/Monitor triggered workflows| GitHub
	Echo -->|Pipeline triggers|Orca
	Orca -->|Pipeline notifications|Echo
	GitHub --> |Deployment event| Gate
	Echo --> |Notifications|GitHub

For example, the plugin processes a GitHub Deployment event like this:

participant ghActions as "GitHub Workflow job"
participant gh as "GitHub"
participant gate as "Gate"
participant echo as "Echo"
participant orca as "Orca"

ghActions ->> gh: "Create Deployment"
gh ->> ghActions: "Deployment created"
gh ->> gate: "Deployment Event"
gate ->> echo: "Deployment trigger event"
echo ->> orca: "Trigger pipelines matching the Trigger event"
orca ->> gh: "Deployment status update: in_progress, success, failure, or error"

Compatibility matrix

Armory CD VersionSpinnaker VersionGitHub Integration Plugin Version

Installation paths

Armory CD
Armory Operator

Use a Kustomize patch to install the plugin.

  1. Create a GitHub App and install it in your repo or organization.
  2. Configure the plugin with your GitHub repo(s) and/or organization(s).
  3. Install the plugin using the Armory Operator.


Spinnaker Operator

Use a Kustomize patch to install the plugin.

  1. Create a GitHub App and install it in your repo.
  2. Configure the plugin with your GitHub repo(s) and/or organization(s).
  3. Install the plugin using the Spinnaker Operator.



Use Spinnaker local config files to install the plugin.

  1. Create a GitHub App and install it in your repo.
  2. Configure the plugin with your GitHub repo(s) and/or organization(s).
  3. Install the plugin in local config files and apply those changes using Halyard.


Last modified December 12, 2023: (4f38446f)