Deploy the Armory Scale Agent Service Using a Helm Chart
Chart overview
- Exposes all settings for installing the Armory Scale Agent service.
- Enables you to easily deploy the Armory Scale Agent service with default configuration using a single command.
- Gives you the ability to customize the service settings in a file or via the command line.
Connecting to Armory Cloud services is enabled by default. Armory Cloud services is required for some features to function and affects how you configure the Armory Scale Agent service installation. If you want to connect to Armory Cloud services, you must include your Armory Cloud client ID and secret. You can disable connecting to Armory Cloud services by setting a gPRC URL instead of providing your Armory Cloud services credentials.
Before you begin
Ensure you have completed the following steps before you install the Armory Scale Agent using the Helm chart:
You have installed the Clouddriver plugin.
You are familiar with Helm and have installed v3.6.3+.
You have added or updated the Armory charts repo in your Kubernetes environment.
To add the Armory chart repo, execute the following command:
helm repo add armory-charts
If you have previously added the chart repo, update it with the following commands:
helm repo update helm upgrade armory-agent armory-charts/agent-k8s-full
You are familiar with the various use cases for deploying Scale Agent services to your Kubernetes clusters.
Run one of the following commands:
If you want to connect to Armory Cloud services:
You must include your Armory Cloud clientId and clientSecret credentials.
helm install armory-agent armory-charts/agent-k8s-full \ --create-namespace \ --namespace=<agent-namespace> \ --set hub.auth.armory.clientId=<your-clientID>,hub.auth.armory.secret=<your-clientSecret>
If you don’t want to connect to Armory Cloud services:
You must include your gPRC endpoint, such as
.helm install armory-agent armory-charts/agent-k8s-full \ --create-namespace \ --namespace=<agent-namespace> \ --set config.clouddriver.grpc=<endpoint>
Command options:
: (Optional) Creates the namespace if not present. See the Helm install docs.--namespace=<agent-namespace>
: (Required) The namespace where you install the Armory Scale Agent, which is also the deployment target for your app.
Before you start, make sure:
Each account has a kubeconfig file that grants access to the deployment target cluster. If you use Amazon EKS, you can run the following command:
aws eks update-kubeconfig --name <target-cluster>
Each account has a kubeconfig file and a secret created from that file. For example:
kubectl create secret generic kubeconfig --from-file=<path>/.kube/config -n <namespace>
See the
kubectl create secret generic
docs for command details.
Run one of the following commands:
If you want to connect to Armory Cloud services:
You must set your Armory Cloud clientId and clientSecret credentials.
You must set your kubeconfig file and secret.
is the name of the file you used when you created the secret. If you used--from-file=<path>/.kube/config
, the value of<kubeconfig>
.helm install armory-agent armory-charts/agent-k8s-full \ --create-namespace \ --namespace=<agent-namespace> \ --set hub.auth.armory.clientId=<your-clientID> \ ,hub.auth.armory.secret=<your-clientSecret> \ ,kubeconfigs.<account-name>.file=<kubeconfig> \ ,kubeconfigs.<account-name>.secret=<secret>
If you don’t want to connect to Armory Cloud services:
You must include your gPRC endpoint, such as
.You must set your kubeconfig file and secret.
is the name of the file you used when you created the secret. If you used--from-file=<path>/.kube/config
, the value of<kubeconfig>
.helm install armory-agent armory-charts/agent-k8s-full \ --create-namespace \ --namespace=<agent-namespace> \ --set config.clouddriver.grpc=<endpoint> \ ,kubeconfigs.<account-name>.file=<kubeconfig> \ ,kubeconfigs.<account-name>.secret=<secret>
Command options:
: (Optional) Creates the namespace if not present. See the Helm install docs.--namespace=<agent-namespace>
: (Required) The namespace where you install the Armory Scale Agent, which is also the deployment target for your app.
Confirm success
Create a pipeline with a Deploy manifest stage. You should see your target cluster available in the Accounts list. Deploy a static manifest.
Set proxy settings
The env
parameters are optional and only need to be used if Armory CD is behind an HTTP(S) proxy. If you need to set more than one of the env
parameters, you must increment the index value for the parameters. For example: env[0].name="HTTP_PROXY
, env[1].name="HTTPS_PROXY"
, and env[2].name="NO_PROXY"
Alternatively, you can create a values.yaml
file to include the parameters:
- name: HTTP_PROXY
value: <hostname>:<port>
value: <hostname>:<port>
- name: NO_PROXY
value: localhost,,*.spinnaker
With the file, you can avoid setting individual env
parameters in the helm install
command. Instead include the --values
parameter as part of the Helm install command:
Set a custom Agent image registry
If you need to download the Armory Scale Agent image from a different registry, you can specify that repository using the following settings:
--set image.repository=<repo-name>,image.imagePullPolicy=IfNotPresent, /
Alternatively, you can create a values.yaml
file to include the settings:
repository: <repo-name>
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
imagePullSecrets: <secret>
Include the --values
parameter as part of the Helm install command:
Custom configuration
If you need greater flexibility, you can override any supported configuration option, either by setting values using the command line or by setting values in an armory-agent.yml
Set config values using the command line
You can update configuration options via the command line by using --set config.<option>
. For example, if you want to set logging.level
to debug
, use --set config.logging.level=debug
to do that.
Set config in a file
You can also override default settings in your own armory-agent.yml
file. For example, if you want to modify the default logging settings, create an armory-agent.yml
file with the following content:
file: "my-log"
format: "json"
level: "debug"
Note that you do not use “config” in the armory-agent
file even though you do when setting config using the command line.
Then use the --set-file
option in the Helm install
You can pass in an armory-agent.yml
file and also override values on the command line:
The difference between values.yaml
and armory-agent.yml
: any supported configuration option listed in the Armory Scale Agent Options configuration option section.
: environmental values such as proxy settings and image repository.
You can use both files. For example:
Agent mode
Armory Cloud, custom config
This example installs the Armory Scale Agent service into the “dev” namespace with a connection to Armory Cloud services and the following custom configuration:
logging level- Increase the Armory Scale Agent request retry attempts to 5
- Increase the time (in milliseconds) to wait between retry attempts to 5000
- Enables Prometheus.
helm install armory-agent armory-charts/agent-k8s-full \
--create-namespace \
--namespace=dev \
--set hub.auth.armory.clientId=clientID123,hub.auth.armory.secret=s3cret \
,config.logging.level=debug,config.kubernetes.retries.maxRetries=5 \
The same custom configuration in an armory-agent.yml
level: "debug"
maxRetries: 5
backOffMs: 5000
enabled: true
Install the Armory Scale Agent with configuration in a file:
helm install armory-agent armory-charts/agent-k8s-full \
--create-namespace \
--namespace=dev \
--set hub.auth.armory.clientId=clientID123,hub.auth.armory.secret=s3cret
--set-file agentyml=/Users/armory/armory-agent.yml
Local gPRC, private image registry, proxy
This example installs the Armory Scale Agent service into the “dev” namespace with a local gPRC endpoint (no Armory Cloud services connection), pulls the image from a private registry, and configures proxy settings.
helm install armory-agent armory-charts/agent-k8s-full \
--create-namespace \
--namespace=dev \
--set config.clouddriver.grpc=spin-clouddriver-grpc:9091 \
,image.repository=private-reg/agent-k8s \
,image.imagePullPolicy=IfNotPresent \
,image.imagePullSecrets=regcred \
,env[0].name=”HTTP_PROXY”,env[0].value="" \
,env[1].name=”HTTPS_PROXY”,env[1].value="" \
The same custom configuration in a values.yaml
repository: private-reg/agent-k8s
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
imagePullSecrets: regcred
- name: HTTP_PROXY
- name: NO_PROXY
value: localhost,,*.spinnaker
Install the Armory Scale Agent with configuration in a file:
helm install armory-agent armory-charts/agent-k8s-full \
--create-namespace \
--namespace=dev \
--set config.clouddriver.grpc=spin-clouddriver-grpc:9091
Agent and environment config in files
This example installs the Armory Scale Agent service into the “dev” namespace with a connection to Armory Cloud services and the following custom Agent configuration:
logging level- Increase the Armory Scale Agent request retry attempts to 5
- Increase the time (in milliseconds) to wait between retry attempts to 5000
- Enables Prometheus.
Agent configuration in an armory-agent.yml
level: "debug"
maxRetries: 5
backOffMs: 5000
enabled: true
Additionally, a values.yaml
file contains custom repository and proxy settings:
repository: private-reg/agent-k8s
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
imagePullSecrets: regcred
- name: HTTP_PROXY
- name: NO_PROXY
value: localhost,,*.spinnaker
Install command:
helm install armory-agent armory-charts/agent-k8s-full \
--create-namespace \
--namespace=dev \
--set hub.auth.armory.clientId=clientID123,hub.auth.armory.secret=s3cret
--set-file agentyml=/Users/armory/armory-agent.yml
Infrastructure mode
Armory Cloud, custom config
This example installs the Armory Scale Agent service into the “dev” namespace with a connection to Armory Cloud services and the following custom configuration:
logging level- Increase the Armory Scale Agent request retry attempts to 5
- Increase the time (in milliseconds) to wait between retry attempts to 5000
- Enables Prometheus.
Create the namespace:
kubectl create namespace dev
Create the secret:
kubectl create secret generic kubeconfig --from-file=/User/armory/.kube/config -n dev
Install the Armory Scale Agent:
helm install armory-agent armory-charts/agent-k8s-full \
--namespace=dev \
--set hub.auth.armory.clientId=clientID123,hub.auth.armory.secret=s3cret \
,kubeconfigs.account1.file=config \
,kubeconfigs.account1.secret=s3cr3t \
,config.logging.level=debug,config.kubernetes.retries.maxRetries=5 \
The same custom configuration in an armory-agent.yml
level: "debug"
maxRetries: 5
backOffMs: 5000
enabled: true
Install the Armory Scale Agent with configuration in a file:
helm install armory-agent armory-charts/agent-k8s-full \
--namespace=dev \
--set hub.auth.armory.clientId=clientID123,hub.auth.armory.secret=s3cret \
,kubeconfigs.account1.file=config \
,kubeconfigs.account1.secret=s3cr3t \
--set-file agentyml=/Users/armory/armory-agent.yml
Local gPRC, private image registry, proxy
This example installs the Armory Scale Agent service into the “dev” namespace with a local gPRC endpoint (no Armory Cloud services connection), pulls the image from a private registry, and configures proxy settings.
Create the namespace:
kubectl create namespace dev
Create the secret:
kubectl create secret generic kubeconfig --from-file=/User/armory/.kube/config -n dev
Install the Armory Scale Agent:
helm install armory-agent armory-charts/agent-k8s-full \
--namespace=dev \
--set config.clouddriver.grpc=spin-clouddriver-grpc:9091 \
,kubeconfigs.account1.file=config \
,kubeconfigs.account1.secret=s3cr3t \
,image.repository=private-reg/agent-k8s \
,image.imagePullPolicy=IfNotPresent \
,image.imagePullSecrets=regcred \
,env[0].name=”HTTP_PROXY”,env[0].value="" \
,env[1].name=”HTTPS_PROXY”,env[1].value="" \
The same custom configuration in a values.yaml
repository: private-reg/agent-k8s
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
imagePullSecrets: regcred
- name: HTTP_PROXY
- name: NO_PROXY
value: localhost,,*.spinnaker
Install the Armory Scale Agent with configuration in a file:
helm install armory-agent armory-charts/agent-k8s-full \
--namespace=dev \
--set config.clouddriver.grpc=spin-clouddriver-grpc:9091 \
,kubeconfigs.account1.file=config \
helm uninstall <release-name> --namespace=<agent-namespace>
: (Reqired) the Armory Scale Agent service release, such as 1.0.84.<agent-namespace>
: (Required) The namespace where you installed the Armory Scale Agent.
What’s next
- Troubleshoot the Armory Scale Agent Service and Plugin page if you run into issues.
- Learn how to Integrate Prometheus. Agent CPU usage is low, but the amount of memory depends on the size of the cluster the Armory Scale Agent is monitoring. The gRPC buffer consumes about 4MB of memory.
- Configure Mutual TLS Authentication
- Read about Kubernetes Permissions for the Armory Scale Agent
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Last modified February 8, 2024: (ab89efe0)