v0.9.42 Armory Agent Clouddriver Plugin (2022-03-07)


  • The Kubernetes kinds that Agent caches are now configurable in clouddriver.yml for all accounts:
    cacheKinds: []      # (Default: "ReplicaSet", "Service", "Ingress", "DaemonSet", "Deployment", "Pod", "StatefulSet", "Job", "CronJob", "NetworkPolicy"): The list of kubernetes kinds to cache. Each entry uses the format {kind.group}, where group can be omitted for core kubernetes kinds.
    cacheOmitKinds: []  # (Default: empty list): Kinds in this list will not be cached, even if they are in the cacheKinds list.


  • Fixed an issue where NetworkPolicies were not showing in Firewalls screen in Spinnaker UI.

Known Issues

  • The plugin makes a request to fiat /sync/roles endpoint every time an agent connects or accounts are deleted. This can become an issue when having a large number of agents connected to a clouddriver pod that is restarted.

Last modified March 3, 2023: (2d069084)