v1.0.47 Armory Agent Service (2023-02-27)


Manifests deployed and updated with kubectl<1.26 and agent versions v1.0.32 to v1.0.46 in tandem, may have an inconsistent state which prevents apply operations from deleting container sidecars, volumes, volumeMounts, container envs, and other lists representing maps. Running either kubectl apply --server-side --force-conflicts with kubectl>=1.26 or agent v1.0.47 with kubernetes.serverSideApply.enabled: always option in the config file will migrate the manifest to consistent state again.


Server Side Apply

  • Original customer blocker: Default Client-Side apply is unable to handle some of the configMaps through spinnaker because the manifest starting hitting annotation length hard limits and CSA requires a copy of the previous manifest in the annnoation named last-applied-configuration

  • Serverside Apply includes a new structure called field managers under .metadata.managedFields which allow to store the same information as last-applied-configuration without relying on annotations. Each field manager tell who set what fields and who can modify them (i.e. end-users, k8s controllers, kubeapi)

  • Serverside apply uses a similar syntax to StrategicMerge (i.e. CSA payloads) but it removes the $patch directive. The only option to delete a side-car is to remove it from the payload

  • Serverside apply removes field managers that have no corresponding field included in the payload

  • The last two points combine to prevent SSA from deleting a side-car and own the side in order to be allowed to deleted it

  • ~The only workaround it to clear or the fieldManagers so that the next apply becomes the sole owner of the complete manifest. Whoever that approach might lead to issues that the CSA’s last-applied-configuration annotation and the SSA’s field manager are trying to prevent down the road.~

  • There’s a new bookkeeping logic in kubectl 1.26.0 that handles both csa annotation and field managers to keep both consistent and allow CSA and SSA to coexist. In case a third fieldManager (i.e. a k8s controller) insists on retaining ownership, you can clear the field managers in order to become the sole owner. But it is unlikely to be necessary. Using kubectl apply --server-side --force-conflicts to deploy the lastest baked manifest is the manual fix to keep CSA and SSA consistent

  • Earlier versions of k8s (e.g. 1.18) some optional fields with defaults are expected to be assigned by kubectl, and agent now is able to send those defaults as well. However, it is not recommended to do so, since in SSA not including fields means yielding ownership.

TLS Insecure Changes:

  • Uses the correct value when the clouddriver.insecure flag is not included based on the mTLS settings.

Server Side Apply Changes:

  • ConfigMap and Secrets default to SSA to allow handle large payloads for them; in addition this manifests are immutable so that prevents multiple ownership.
  • All other manifests are ClientSide-Apply by default unless an annotation is set:
    • agent-k8s.armory.io/serverside-apply: true will send the payload through SSA. otherwise will use CSA
    • agent-k8s.armory.io/ssa-manifest-defaults: true will include missing fields with known defaults (e.g. containerPort = TCP) Only necesary for some older k8s cluster versions e.g. 1.18
    • agent-k8s.armory.io/ssa-clear-managed-fields: true will clear the field managers


  • Per Manifest-Kind configuration:

    • kubernetes.serverSideApply.kinds[].kind Kind name to override.
    • kubernetes.serverSideApply.kinds[].enabled: always|never|allowed always|never: Override annotations to Always/Never use SSA. allowed: Use CSA unless annotation agent-k8s.armory.io/serverside-apply: true is present
    • kubernetes.serverSideApply.kinds[].manifestDefaults: always|never|allowed always|never: Override annotations to Always/Never modify applied manifests to include field defaults. allowed: Send manifest as-is unless annotation agent-k8s.armory.io/ssa-manifest-defaults: true is present
    • kubernetes.serverSideApply.kinds[].clearManagedFields: always|never|allowed always|never: Override annotations to Always/Never modify applied manifests to clear managed fields and become sole owner, Partial manifess will fail, and information from controller might be lost. allowed: Respect managed fields unless annotation agent-k8s.armory.io/ssa-manifest-defaults: true is present
  • Agent global configuration

    • kubernetes.serverSideApply.enabled: always|never|allowed
      always|never: Override annotations and kind list to Always/Never use SSA. allowed: Use CSA unless annotation agent-k8s.armory.io/serverside-apply: enabled is present or config kubernetes.serverSideApply.kinds[].enabled is present in configuration file.

    • kubernetes.serverSideApply.manifestDefaults: always|never|allowed always|never: Override annotations and kind list to Always/Never modify applied manifests to include field defaults. allowed: Send manifest as-is unless annotation agent-k8s.armory.io/ssa-manifest-defaults: enabled is present or kubernetes.serverSideApply.kinds[].manifestDefaults is present in configuration file

    • kubernetes.serverSideApply.clearManagedFields: always|never|allowed always|never: Override annotations and kind list to Always/Never modify applied manifests to include field defaults. allowed: Send manifest as-is unless annotation agent-k8s.armory.io/ssa-manifest-defaults: enabled is present or kubernetes.serverSideApply.kinds[].manifestDefaults is present in configuration file



CSA migration logic: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/107980 https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/108081 https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/107417 https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/112826 https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112905 https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.26.md#bug-or-regression-5

For kubectl, –server-side now migrates ownership of all fields used by client-side-apply to the specified –fieldmanager. This prevents fields previously specified using kubectl from being able to live outside of server-side-apply’s management and become undeleteable. (#112905, @alexzielenski) [SIG API Machinery, CLI and Testing]


Using server side apply now ensures that all fields are managed by the server, making it easier to manage Kubernetes objects and avoid data inconsistencies.

Last modified April 12, 2023: (ed981f51)